You may wonder if there’s a particular type of patient we expect to see walk through our doors at our Columbia, TN practice. Maybe you figure that we really prefer patients whose teeth are in nearly pristine condition, so you feel funny about the serious dental care you require. Perhaps you really just want teeth whitening but you wonder if cosmetic care is something we are really prepared to offer. Today, our focus is helping you recognize that we welcome all patients at our practice! For a more detailed explanation, let’s run through some helpful specifics!
Patients With Perfectly Healthy Smiles
We are always pleased to see patients with perfectly healthy smiles walk through our doors. We remind you that just because your smile is perfectly healthy or seems that way doesn’t mean you shouldn’t come in! We urge you to keep up with dental care because it’s how you most easily keep your smile in such good condition. Maintain twice-a year visits with us to keep that smile clean and healthy.
Patients Who Need A Little Help
If you need just a little bit of help in terms of your oral health, come on in. We are more than happy to see you! When you need the usual in terms of preventive dental care, we will provide you with your dental cleaning and checkup. We will also help with matters like tooth decay by performing dental fillings before issues have time to cause serious damage. Come see us!
Patients Who Need Lots Of Help
Maybe you don’t just need a dental checkup and cleaning and filling. Instead, you still need your preventive dental care but you’re well aware that you need lots of help in the restorative care department, too. Don’t be embarrassed or upset. Remember that we welcome you because would love to help you get your smile in amazing condition again!
Patients Who Want Prettier Looking Smiles
Are you all caught up on your dental care and what you’d really like is to come in for cosmetic dental care. We enjoy seeing you just as much for these improvements as we do seeing you for anything else. Schedule time to speak with our team about your options, so you can feel good not only about your smile’s health but also about its appearance!
We Welcome All Dental Care Patients!
Ready for dental care for your smile? Whether you just need a preventive dental visit, restorative care, replacement teeth, or you’re interested in making your smile look better, we are here to help you! To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, call Creekside Family Dental Care in Columbia, TN, today at (931) 388–3384.