The right oral hygiene measures can protect you from dental decay. To effectively keep yourself safe from a cavity, make sure you brush and floss thoroughly, eat sensibly and limit sugar, and see your dentist for regular checkups. This approach can keep you safe, but you can be happy to know that our Columbia, TN dentist's office is here to help if decay does become a problem for you. When your cavity is identified in time, we can restore your tooth with a custom dental filling. Fillings are made from different material types, including substances that can imitate your healthy tooth structure.
We Provide Fillings Made From Different Materials
There are several materials that we can use when we place a dental filling. If your issue with decay forms in an area that is harder to hide when you smile and speak, we can recommend using composite resin to restore the tooth without drawing unwanted attention. Stronger materials, like silver amalgam, gold, or metal, can protect your enamel in areas that are harder to see and responsible for absorbing more bite pressure.
How A Filling Protects Your Tooth After Cavity Treatment
Dental fillings only cover a limited portion of your overall tooth structure. Essentially, they keep your oral health protected by covering the space where decay formed to stop bacteria from gathering, and to give important structural support. This restoration is meant to provide long-term support. If you have an older filling that you worry over because it feels loose, it looks damaged, or causes concern for any other reason, tell your dentist! You can also receive early warnings about problems with older restorations at regular dental appointments.
Other Cavity Treatments That We Provide
For a severe cavity, we can provide a dental crown to support your tooth. Crowns occupy more space, and more preparatory work is needed to place one. With that said, the restoration is able to preserve your bite function and your dental health by completely enveloping a vulnerable tooth. In some cases, we will have to provide root canal therapy to address problems with an infection that has formed because of an untreated cavity. Regular appointments help you avoid this issue, as you can learn about decay before it is serious enough to cause complications.
Your Columbia, TN Dentist Can Restore Your Tooth With A Custom Dental Filling
By providing you with a custom dental filling, your Columbia, TN dentist can make sure your oral health is restored after a cavity forms. In addition to providing protection to preserve your bite and support for your oral health, we can offer a restoration that preserves the way you look! If you have questions about restorative treatment, or if there are any other matters concerning your smile that you wish to discuss, please call Creekside Family Dentistry in Columbia, TN, today at (931) 388–3384.