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What Is Preventive Care Protecting Me From?

Writer's picture: Creekside Family DentistCreekside Family Dentist

You hear an awful lot about preventive care for your smile and you know that it’s so important for you to practice it. You know that its main goal is to protect your smile. While you get the impression that this will help you avoid cavities, you may not fully understand what your hygiene and visits to us are really keeping you so safe from, which can make you question the value of the hard work you’re putting in. Let our Columbia, TN team clear this up with some compelling details regarding the truly powerful impact of prevention.

From Disorders That Disrupt Your Function

Patients are frequently focused on things like cavities and forget that ensuring your mouth can work correctly and comfortably is so important! What might happen if your jaw hurts so badly that you have trouble chewing? When you practice preventive care, this includes receiving necessary treatment from our team for issues like TMJ disorder, so you maintain the functional side of your oral health!

From Hygiene-Related Illnesses

You know that your mouth contains lots of bacteria, both good and bad. The bad stuff contributes to oral illness like tooth decay and gum disease and infection. Preventive care is there to help you limit the populations of those bad bacteria (by brushing, flossing, and receiving cleanings), so they cannot lead to the aforementioned diseases! Then, you won’t need restorations.

From Detecting Problems Late In The Game

When you see us for dental checkups, you may wonder how this is really preventive care if we might find something that’s wrong. How is it avoiding a problem if the problem is already present, you ask? In such cases, it’s important to realize that one of the main goals of prevention is not only to help you avoid the development of problems but also to help you avoid damage.

Sometimes, dental concerns will begin even if you care for your smile. For instance, you may see us for cleanings and checkups, brush your teeth, and floss your teeth but oral cancer may begin. When you see us for those dental checkups, we will find it right away, treat it, and you will have detected it early (which makes the success of treatment easier to achieve). If you skip preventive visits, you may not detect problems until late in the game when they are much harder to treat.

Protect Your Oral Health Through Prevention

Take us up on our offer to provide you and your family with the comprehensive preventive dental care you need in order to maintain lovely, healthy smiles with what feels like very little effort! To learn more, or to schedule an appointment, call Creekside Family Dental Care in Columbia, TN, today at (931) 388–3384.


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